Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How I became darken and drunk

This is the reason I met my husband. The darkness in me.
In April 2011, I gave up on God. I gave up on pretty much everything. See I had hundreds of thousands of things knock me down, but nothing like this, nothing I could not get back up from. Honestly I had a bad childhood, but I always had one person who was there every step of the way my brother, Dusty. He was my baby, I changed his diapers, I fed him, and I gave him baths. I was a year and a nine months when he was born. In my eyes my brother was perfection at its finest. I was one of those crazy moms who watch their kids do something wrong and swear up and down that they could not hurt a fly even though they just did, but I was not his mom I was his big sister. This made me his protector and his guider. For a long long time he was my heart and soul, my reason for living. I guess I should also say we fought like cats and dogs, but he was still my baby.
The reason we fought was because we did not know anything else, my father, James, was a very abusive man fiscally and emotionally. He use to beat me and my brother for almost no reason, not saying we where angels, but one time he beat us for leaving out baseball trophies out in the play house. This was the only life we knew. So we fought.
To honestly say that statement breaks my heart. Having my daughter now and I could never imagine being that cruel. I never could before but I will do anything to protect anything like that from ever happening to her. *Pshhh some people are just ignorant*
As we grew up we had a savior. Her name was Donna and she was our aunt, but she raised us and that made her our mom. (I will tell about her later)
The reason for me telling you the few captions above…
In April 2011 my brother was murdered, by one of his “friends”. The day I went back to that town I thought it was some kind of sick joke. Maybe my car had just got stolen and burned. There couldn’t really be bodies in there, and if there was it could not be my baby. Then when it was confirmed it was my world stopped and I looked up and saw that the real world did not. I was so angry how everyone could keep going like nothing happened!?!?!? My world had just been ripped apart in seconds, and they acted like nothing was going on. That is when I turned my back on God. How could after everything Dusty and I had gone through how could God do this. I had accepted everything before because God had a plan for me, but this I could not accept.
My brother was no angel. He had a long battle with all drugs, (At the time he died he was clean) his hardest battle was heroin. The reason for this battle was men of this earth. We had been abandoned by our mother and father. These people that where meant to keep us safe and love us where our biggest disappointments. Then when Dusty was 11 he was molested by someone he trusted a family member none the lease and a man. At this time we where living in Peggs, OK, we didn’t have food, water, or electricity. There was a hole in the floor of the kitchen. We where the “stinky” kids. We went to live with our birth mother shortly after things just kept getting worse, but it never felt like there was room for us there. She had her daughter, Shelby, who was her pride and joy and twins on the way.
So we went to live with our mom Donna, but I think there is only so much damage a person can take before they are unfixable, without the Lord, and I think those things he would not let erase. That life of disappointment became normal for my brother. So he brought people in that would disappoint him and he would try to fix them. I think he thought if he fixed them it would fix him and account for all the wrongs he had made.
The person who killed him was a kid, 19, him and my brother where friends. They where in my car. He was shot in the back of the head with a sawed of shotgun. The front part of his skull was missing it took them two weeks to identify him because there was barley any left of him. They could not do DNA testing because he burnt the car and the body so bad there was barley anything left of either, the metal rims melted off. There was another kid with them Alex, who we basically grew up with, that, was murdered that day as well. He shot him there were hundreds of pellets in his head and then he smashed Alex head in with a rock and burned him as well.
In high sight it was probably the best thing for my brother, to head home to live with God. My brother had just started making his way back to the Lord when this happened. He had a twisted soul, and it was from men of this earth. Not our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

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